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Chapter 2589 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep82

  • Ron couldn't believe it, but his view to the mirror told him the woman peering through the curtain had moved even closer. He was quickly feeling his balls begin to pull tight, preparing for his second orgasm in the last ten minutes. He tried to slow down, wanting to prolong this unexpected opportunity to display himself to a complete stranger. As his firm grip on his shaft slowed to a steady tugging motion, Ron allowed his mind to try and comprehend exactly how bizarre this was for him. Only a few short days ago he would never have dreamed he would be flaunting his penis so brazenly on this trip. But thanks to being thrust into the unbelievable exploits of first Amy and now Beth, the thrill he experienced from exhibiting himself was undeniable. Knowingly allowing this woman to watch him jack off was sending adrenaline coursing through his body, and he was forced to try and control the way he was literally shivering from the excitement of it all, even his teeth beginning to chatter as his fist again picked up speed.
  • Likewise, Lil had never experienced anything like this herself. She was the PTA mom, Sunday school teacher and never one to even where a two piece swim suit to the country club pool. A few days on the island, seeing virtually every other female, some with much worse bodies than her own, flaunting themselves on the beach in tiny bikinis, she had succumbed to Mike's request that she dress a little more sexy while on this vacation. She hadn't been quite able to go for the two-piece just yet, but a sexy flirty dress had seemed doable. But now, here she was, her Christian values and sexy dress, both forgotten as she deliberately spied on a young man pleasuring himself with a pair of white panties wrapped around his incredibly large penis.
  • She told herself she would have turned and left him to his own perversions, but for the immense size of his organ. Lil certainly didn't have much experience with penises, as Mike had been her first and only lover. One of her high school girlfriends once showed her a Penthouse magazine she'd found in her dad's closet, and there had been one pictorial including a man, and they had been entranced by the hard penis, but having been the first she'd ever seen, she didn't view it through the spectrum of being particularly big or small. Then years later, when she'd finally allowed Mike to show her his, she didn't even think of the long forgotten Penthouse images. But now, knowing very well how Mike's manhood compared, or perhaps better said, didn't compare to this boy's thick slab of flesh towering between his legs, Lil just couldn't manage to tear her eyes away.
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